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Invisible protection ,up to 12 H* Anti-scratch ,self clean,anti-graffiti,
Very strong non-sticking protection



    Our company NANO4LIFE EUROPE L.P. is proud to present the new generation of nanotechnology most impressive range of products, the NANO4DIAMONT series.

      The brand new NANODIAMOND just entered in our already vast range of innovative products from the best scientific laboratories in the world. This NANODIAMOND product series incorporate an ultra-high technology coating that protects with full coverage your glass surfaces from environment threatening and polluting factors.




     Upon spraying any vehicle with the NANODIAMOND4-GLASS, a multiple layer coating is formed and within minutes the thickness and strength of the paint coating is highly increased. This creates an extra ultra-protective and multi-layer coating which operates as outer armor preventing any scratch on your vehicle.




     For measuring the resistance to scratches there is a simple scientific scale of minimum resistance of 9H to maximum resistance of 12H. This is a rating based on Pencil Hardness Test commonly used by manufacturers on clear and pigmented surface coatings. 

The Pencil Hardness test is used to determine the scratch resistance of a coating surface by using pencils to scratch the surface and rate the scratch resistance in relation to that pencil hardness and other materials of similar hardness.


      So, based on this rating scratch resistance scale, where 12H* is the maximum resistance, we achieve optimum hardness coating results by the below 3 application variations:


  • Upon coating 1 time you achieve 500 Nano thickness and 9H scratch resistance

  • Upon coating 2 times you achieve 1000 Nano thickness and 11H* scratch resistance

  • *Upon coating 3 times you achieve 1500 Nano thickness and 12H* scratch resistance


In scientific terms, the NANODIAMOND4-GLASS incorporates the:


  1. effect of super hydrophobic substance (the biochemical attribute of inner water molecules’ interaction and the formation of lipid bilayers which basically places a surface waterproof) and

  2. anti-graffiti coating which prevents paint or graffiti from bonding to surfaces

       These two material attributes place your glasses always clean both from dirt and dust but also prevents any scratch to be formed on the protected surface. The rain will just flow over the glasses without leaving any traces or mud.


      The last but not least interesting product quality is that the NANODIAMOND4-GLASS makes your glasses shine just like a diamond shines in the light. You will be proud of your car appearance which will be brand new and shiny for many years to come just like it was the day you bought.

NANODIAMOND4-GLASS®   is certified: (Click here in order to see all of our certifications)


1.FOOD SAFE APPROVED FOR NANODIAMOND LINE of products according to Regulation (EC) Νο 1935/2004c and the Commission Regulation (EU) Νο. 10/2011

Test report from CBA GmbH  institution 



Test report fro SGS institution 



Test report from SGS institution 



Test report from SGS institution 



Test report from SGS institution 



Test report from SGS institution 



Nanodiamond4-glass works great on:

Windows of houses , shops and buildings
Mobile phones
Kitchen ceramic hotbed
Car,moto, boat glasses
Sunglasses, and motorcycle helmet visors
Pyrex glasses

Advantages on using Nanodiamond4-glass
  • Scratch Resistance (optimum scale 9H-12H)

  • 10 years Permanent Protection

  • Anti Grafffiti

  • Self-cleaning

  • Super  hydrophobic factors

  • Color protection from UV radiation

  • Extreme weather conditions protection

  • Advanced Chemical (Acid) Resistance

  • 100% invisible sealing protection

  • Frost proofing and tolerance

  • High protection against ice

  • Shiny glossy finishing

  • Extreme tolerance in high temperatures (up to 1200°C)

  • Shiny paint coverage

  • The coating cannot be affected by machine wash 

  • 100% Environmental friendly

  • Money saving by reducing up to 90% the use of chemical detergents

Customer Targets
  • Glass Manufacturers.

  • Manufacturers Ceramic Kitchen outbreaks.

  • Hotels,

  • Restaurants

  • Ships

  • Hospitals.

  • Homes

How to use the product

How to use Nanodiamond4-glass


IMPORTANT NOTICE: For achieving the highest possible results upon coating your glass surfaces, please read carefully the below instructions and follow them closely.


    Place of product implementation


  Product should not be applied below 25% or higher than 85% air humidity, since curing can be influenced or not happen properly. In countries with very high or very low air humidity, application in closed air-controlled rooms is recommended! Perfect conditions are 20º C and  55% air humidity.

   You will achieve the optimum results if you coat your glass surfaces in close inner space. If you cannot implement the product in close space, please mind that there aren’t windy weather conditions and there isn’t possibility of rain for the next hours after coating your car with NANODIAMOND4-GLASS. The treatment of the target surface should be carried out under ambient conditions and between 10º C and 40º C.


     Surface preparation

  1. Please wash thoroughly your glass surfaces with your usual washing method and be sure that there aren’t any chemical detergents residues that professional glass cleaning companies usually apply during washing. If any chemical substance remains, the NANODIAMOND4-GLASS will not be integrated in the glass surface. It will stuck on the substances and within a short time period will vanish by leaving a protection gap.

  2. After this careful and thorough glass cleaning process, it would be even better to sprinkle it with isopropyl alcohol or Nano4-Preclean and rub it with a microfiber cloth for removing all chemical remaining from the washing.

  3. CAUTION: The Nano4-preclean it is not a stains removal cleaner and it is used only of Glossy surfaces. For more info about Preclean please download the pdf file. 

  4. In case that the implementation will take place in external space, please be sure that no dust exists on the glass surface, as well as no humidity or water on it and it is 100% dry.




  1. Please be sure that the aluminum bottle containing the NANODIAMOND4-GLASS is sealed.

  2. Acquire a microfiber or a non-absorbing cloth that leaves no fabric fibers.

  3. Open the bottle. CAUTION: For safety purposes, please keep the product away from children. You will notice that the NANODIAMOND4-GLASS has the distinctive smell of ammonia so if this disturbing, please wear a medical face mask.

  4. Divide the glass surface in your mind in small areas of 30x30 cm.

  5. Place the cloth on the open bottle mouth and turn the bottle upside down for 2-3 times in a row so the product to wet the cloth. With the wet cloth spread and coat the glass surface on every 30x30 cm surface and then rub with cyclic movements and intensively until you notice a shiny outcome on the surface.


        Important Notices


  1. If you desire to increase the resistance to scratches from 9H to 11H* as well as your glass surface shiny effect, please repeat the same coating process within 5 minutes time after the first implementation. If you desire to increase the resistance to scratches from 11H* to 12H* as well as your glass surface shiny effect, please repeat the same coating process within 5 minutes time after the second implementation.

  2. In the case that you actually decide to increase the resistance to scratches from 9H to 11H* or 12H* and the shiny effect, don’t coat the entire glass with the first coating and then to apply the second and third coating because you will achieve the desirable outcome. If the first coating will dry on the surface, the next layers will not be absorbable. 

  3. Please be very careful on the application for not leaving coating spaces as the whole process is actually invisible.


        Coating stabilization time


  • Surface under coating will be water stable after 12 hours approximately.

  • Before this time span, please focus on keeping the glass away from any water or wet conditions.

  • You can accelerate the 12 hours curing time to 15 minutes by heating the surface at 80º C with a heat gun.

  • The complete coating stabilization takes place after 5 days.

  • Within this time span, isn’t wise to clean your glass with chemical or mechanical means.

Duration of protection

        Protection products reaches up to 10 years, provided that the placement of  NANODIAMOND4-GLASS  made in accordance with the instructions. 

  • With 5ml NANODIAMOND4-GLASS  you can covers up to 1m2  glass surface creating an invisible film  500 nano  thickness and 9H scratch resistance

  • With 10ml NANODIAMOND4-GLASS  you can covers up to 1m2   glass surface creating an invisible film  1000 nano  thickness and 11H* scratch resistance

  • With 15ml NANODIAMOND4-GLASS  you can covers up to 1m2   glass surface creating an invisible film  1500 nano  thickness and 12H* scratch resistance

Quality ISO 9001:2008

       Great importance and care in accordance to the standards ISO 9001:2008 are taken during the production of our products. So we ensure to our customers that all our products meet all specifications and are in excellent condition when purchased. All our products are sealed in production and customers, before the purchase, can easily check the date of manufacture and expiry date of the products. See details in the photo.

Order Products

Thermoplastic bottle sealing


01 =date

12 =month

15 =year

06=line production

Exp. Date:

12 =month

17 =year


           All ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® products are in stock and can be delivered within 24 hours to any destination in the world.  Delivery in European Countries can be provided within 1 day and other points in the world in approximately 3 days with very low transportation costs.


        Available packs is : 50ml, 100ml, 300ml, 500mi, 1 Liters, 10Liters


  •    If you want to see a video with the product functions please click the video icon bellow

  •    If you want to read and download the product brochure in an interactive PDF file please click here

  •    If you want to order the product via our e-shop please click to the e-shop button.


*IMPORTANT NOTICE Currently, the scientific machinery that measures the H scratch resistance can assess the hardness under worldwide applied standards up to 9H*. Our in house not yet certified recent experiments though led us to the conclusion that under accumulation of 2 additional coatings to the paint, the Hardness can reach the level of 12H*. So, upon implementing 2 more coating layers of Nanodiamond4-CarPaint on your vehicle, you immediately transform its color to completely durable to the scratches at a scale of 9H* to 12H*. 


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