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       Nano4-leather® is a new water based Ultra-hydrophobic coating Nanotechnology product . After applying the product and upon completion of the curing process (24 hours), a thin layer 500 nm of SiO2 (Silicon Dioxide) seals the protected area so. Humidity, water, coffee, ketchup, wine, coffee, oil, syrup, sauces, and other hot or cold liquids are easily removed from the Leather when it’s protected with Nano4-leather® , by simply dabbing with an absorbed cloth, the wet spots will disappear again from your leather   returns back to its original state as if nothing had happened.


      Nano4-leather® is a fluorine-free, water-based spray-on product for avoiding to generate dirt, water and oil-repellent effects. Due to its extremely easy application method, it can be easily used by both individual consumers and professionals.


As the product is included in the global joint roadmap of Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC), it can be safely sprayed on any leather surface without any restriction or special consideration.

     Nano4-leather®  offers outstanding protection and long lasting coverage in all leather surfaces and especially on the smooth kinds. Excellent protective results can be also attributed on many kind textile kinds like carpets, furniture fabrics, upholsteries and curtains provided that any textile or leather surface is free from chemical active substances (silicone / surfactants).delivers outstanding protection and nourishment, particularly on smooth leather. Most standard textiles, carpets, upholstery and curtains can also be treated, provided these are free of surface-active substances (silicones/surfactants).

     Enjoy waterproof and dirt proof effect on your precious textiles and leather stuff and just easily wipe out any stain of them. Keep away humidity, coffee, food stains (ketchup, syrup, oil, sauce) and all liquids.



       Drop ultrahydrophobic contact angle of the surface is 160° 


Choose to stay dry in the rain and protect your valuable leathers from the usual “accidents” of your everyday activity just by using Nano4-leather®.

Nano4-leather® doesn’t affect either the appearance, the texture or the breathing ability of the protecting leather or textile surface. 

Nano4-leather®   is certified: 


       As a ECOLOGY product from the Hohenstein Textile Testing lnstitute GmbH & Co. KG  and can be used for the production of human- ecological optimized textiles under specifications of the Oeko-Tex@ Standard 100, product classes l- lV.

Nano4-Leather® works great on:


You can use this product for all types of Leathers and fabrics also

  • Leather sofas

  • ​Leather jackets

  • LEather car seat

  • Furniture

  • Carpets,  and rugs 

  • Canvas boat sails 

  • Theatre seats

  • Shoes

Advantages on using Nano4-Leather®
  •  Waterproofing and easy removal of stains and all types of dirt deposit on the leather surfaces. Humidity, coffee, ketchup, wine, oil, syrup, sauces, and other hot or cold liquids are easily removed from the porous surfaces when it’s protected with Nano4-leather®

  • It contains no silicones, waxes or oils.

  • 100% ecological 

  • The coating is extremely strong.

  • 100% invisible sealing protection.

  • Surfaces will be easier to clean after application

  • Nano4-leather® does not change the look, feel or breathability of the fabric.

  • Nano4-leather® has no effect on the skin.

  • Antibacterial protection

  • Saves the environment and money by reducing  use of chemical detergents by up to 90%

Customer Targets
  •    Homeowners 

  •    Furniture retailers

  •    Manufacturers of carpets and rugs

  •    Hotels and Restaurants  

  •    Cruise Ships and boats

  •    Military 

  •    Sports clubs and Hunters

  •    Hospitals

  •    Professionals tailors

How to use the product
  • The product can be affected if left for long periods of inactivity (e.g. creaming, sedimentation, separation). Stir or shake thoroughly before use.​

  • Clean the Leather thoroughly and dry before applying the product, the leather must be free of anionic, surfactant residues,silicones or surfactants impair performance  and adhesion.

  • Spray the surface with Nano4-leather® and ensure even distribution over the surface. If the substrate cannot instantly absorb the liquid, e.g. smooth leather, it  should be rubbed in using gentle polishing motions. After applying Nano4-leather®  it takes 24 hours (at 20º c) to be fully cured. 

  • The treatment of the targeted surface should be carried out under ambient conditions. Use only on room tempered surfaces (between 10º C and 40º C)  The time required for curing may vary depending on ambient temperatures.   as this is the time the nano-materials bond or cure to the surface giving you ultra-repellency surfaces (between 10º C and 40º C) .For more analytic  information’s please click here "installation instructions"


Duration of protection

       Τhe duration of protection is 5 years at normal use /abration Provided that the placement of Nano4-leather® made in accordance with the instructions.


          The amount of product needed each time depends on the method of application and the porous of the surface. In any  case  the concumption will be between 30ml/m2 and 200ml/m2. This means that 1 liter can cover the surface of 5m2 to 33m2. We recommend to test each type of surface first to determine the absorption of the surface. An easy test to calculate the absorption of the surface is to wet 1m2 of the surface by using normal water. By this way you can see what is the exactly consumption for each surface.

Quality ISO 9001:2008

       Great importance and care in accordance to the standards ISO 9001:2008 are taken during the production of our products. So we ensure to our customers that all our products meet all specifications and are in excellent condition when purchased. All our products are sealed in production and customers, before the purchase, can easily check the date of manufacture and expiry date of the products. See details in the photo.

Order Products

Thermoplastic bottle sealing


01 =date

12 =month

15 =year

06=line production

Exp. Date:

12 =month

17 =year


           All ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® products are in stock and can be delivered within 24 hours to any destination in the world.  Delivery in European Countries can be provided within 1 day and other points in the world in approximately 3 days with very low transportation costs.


        Available packs is : 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 1Liter, 4Liters, 20Liters, 200Liters, 1000Liters.


  •    If you want to see a video with the product functions please click the video icon bellow

  •    If you want to read and download the product broshure in an interactive PDF file please click here

  •    If you want to order the product via our e-shop please click to the e-shop button.



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The trademarks, logos, distinctive marks (hereinafter collectively “Trademarks”) displayed on the Site are either registered or not NANO4LIFE EUROPE Co® -branded and / or third parties. Nothing contained on the Site should not be construed as an express or implied license or right to use any form of any Trademark displayed on the Site without the written permission of NANO4LIFE EUROPE Co®  and other third parties that may own the Trademarks displayed on the Site. The use by users of the Trademarks displayed on the Site, or any other content thereof, except as provided herein the Terms and Conditions and strictly prohibited. For more info please click here

© 2008 - 2018 by  NANO4LIFE EUROPE L.P. ®  . All rights reserved

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