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Invisible protection , sealing ,easy to clean for boat glass surfaces
(for commercial or industrial use*)
(click here in order to see the diferences between commercial & industrial products)



      Nano4-Boatglass® is a Nanotechnology product specially made for car windshields, vessels, and surfaces where wipers are generally used. This product is completely environmentally friendly and ecological. The protective coat of SiO2 provides an invisible and long-lasting protection for your windshield from dust, insects, dirt, etc.


     Applying   Nano4-Boatglass® allows any dirt, insect splatter, and general road grime to be easily removed with a little water and without any mechanical or chemical means.


     During winter   Nano4-Boatglass® allows easy removal of snow and ice as Nano4-Carglass® prevents water penetration on the windshield surface. At the same time when rain falls on the windshield Nano4-Carglass® breakdowns raindrops upon impact allowing rain to easily blow off your windshield while driving.


      Visibility in the most severe rain improves significantly using Nano4-Boatglass®. Speeds above 50 km in the rain allows you to drive without the wipers turned on as visibility for the driver is almost perfect



Nano4-Boatglass®  is certified: (Click here in order to see all of our certifications)



       a)According to din ISO11507, (Artificial weathering with fluorescent UV lamps according to method A for different coatings on sandstone) by Polymer Service GmbH Institute.


        b)As a food safe product According to FDA overal migration analysis by the Intertek Wilton Institute U.K.



Nano4-boatglass works great on:
  •  Car windshields

  • Vessels

  • Aircraft windshield

  • Trains

  • Motorcycles

  • And generally where wipers are used

Advantages on using Nano4-boatglass
  • Improves driving visibility in the most severe weather

  • Excellent visibility for the driver even without the use of wipers.

  • Excellent protection against dirt and water.

  • UV Protection

  • Prevents colour alteration on your dashboard from 

  • UV sunlight

  • Easy to clean with a little water

  • Tree sap is very easy to remove

  • Resistance to abrasion. - Completely invisible.

  • Reduce the use of windshield wipers

  • Reduce the use of chemical detergents to 90%.

Customer Targets
  •  Boats

  • Cars

  • Taxis

  • Buses (School, city, tour

  • Trains companies

  • Motorcyclists

How to use the product

Surface preparation:

  1. Before using the product clean the glossy surface very well with traditional methods and rinse with water

  2. Sprinkle and rub well the surface with the Nano4-Preclean with a cloth (use sparingly) in order to remove from the glossy surface chemical residues of the common cleanings we are using in order to clean the surfaces.Before the final coating the surface has to be dry, dust free, oil and grease free. CAUTION: The Nano4-preclean it is not a stains removal cleaner and it is used only of Glossy surfaces.

  3. For more info about Preclean please download the pdf file.

  4. The treatment of the target surface should be carried out under ambient conditions. Use only on room tempered surfaces (between 10Āŗ C and 40Āŗ C).


Industrial application:


        For the best and economy installation you can use an HVLP spray gun. 


Other application techniques:


        Spray the surface with  Nano4-BoatglassĀ® in places 30 X 30 cm. The liquid has to be polished with a cloth (use sparingly).


       The curing of  Nano4-BoatglassĀ® occurs under ambient conditions for minimum 60 minutes up to one day. In case of higher atmospheric humidity longer curing times are necessary.


        For more and analytic installation instructions please click here (INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS) to read our interactive book   or  to  Download  the PDF file.

Duration of protection

        Protection products reaches up 20.0000 Km provided that the placement of  Nano4-BoatglassĀ®  made in accordance with the instructions. 


        With 1 liter you can cover up to 200m2 where the application is made by using spray gun type HVLP or approx. 100m2 if the application is made bu spraying and hand wipping.

Quality ISO 9001:2008

       Great importance and care in accordance to the standards ISO 9001:2008 are taken during the production of our products. So we ensure to our customers that all our products meet all specifications and are in excellent condition when purchased. All our products are sealed in production and customers, before the purchase, can easily check the date of manufacture and expiry date of the products. See details in the photo.

Order Products

Thermoplastic bottle sealing


01 =date

12 =month

15 =year

06=line production

Exp. Date:

12 =month

17 =year


           All ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® products are in stock and can be delivered within 24 hours to any destination in the world.  Delivery in European Countries can be provided within 1 day and other points in the world in approximately 3 days with very low transportation costs.


        Available packs is : 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 1Liter, 4Liters, 20Liters, 200Liters, 1000Liters.


  •    If you want to see a video with the product functions please click the video icon bellow

  •    If you want to read and download the product broshure in an interactive PDF file please click here

  •    If you want to order the product via our e-shop please click to the e-shop button.



Use of data and logos:
The trademarks, logos, distinctive marks (hereinafter collectively “Trademarks”) displayed on the Site are either registered or not NANO4LIFE EUROPE Co® -branded and / or third parties. Nothing contained on the Site should not be construed as an express or implied license or right to use any form of any Trademark displayed on the Site without the written permission of NANO4LIFE EUROPE Co®  and other third parties that may own the Trademarks displayed on the Site. The use by users of the Trademarks displayed on the Site, or any other content thereof, except as provided herein the Terms and Conditions and strictly prohibited. For more info please click here

© 2008 - 2018 by  NANO4LIFE EUROPE L.P. ®  . All rights reserved

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